Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What Facing History Meant To Me

As a human being and as a student in the course Facing History and Ourselves, I only feel stronger about my morals that I have lived with all of my life. This course reveals the truth and, how much of an impact one individual can bring to this world with their own followers either positively or negatively. It has made me proud of who I am and ashamed for the people who did not stand up for what was right. One person cannot stand alone and standup to an army of people who are following others beliefs. In taking this course you must take into consideration that even though there were horrible things being done, one person in the middle of all the chaotic situations could find it very intimidating and even seem as if it is impossible to stand up against an army. During the Holocaust the Jewish community was being brutally beaten, tortured and killed in a timely manner throughout each day. Some Jewish folk were given a choice to help the people who were killing their own kind, or to just stand in line and wait for their own fate to be determined by the Germans. The Germans taught their community, and their youth that the Jewish community was an Infestation. They treated these human beings like they were a disease and that life would be so much better without their presence in this world. I can seriously say I would give my life in order to save and create the image that all people in this world are equal. Growing up in a well-established, safe home has helped me appreciate the life I have been given and that not everyone has lived such a life. Knowing that some people are not treated equally,  and with dignity goes against what I believe is one of the most important threads of the definition of being an American. In the film Swing kids I thought a lot about the character of both Peter Muller  and Thomas Burger have found some similarities to them and myself .  As a rebellious music loving teenager I have found myself in some situations where I have made both good and bad choices. Peter Muller and Thomas Burger both growing up together began their lives in a similar fashion but by the time they reached young adulthood their faith in themselves and human kind began to change as they experienced life.  Thomas greatly influenced by Nazi power took on the Nazi beliefs and began to use power to demean others; forgetting  his moral self.  Peter was also forced to abide by Nazi beliefs yet never allowed those to trump who he was or lose compassion for others. In situations in my life, I have also been made to make some important decisions regarding the exclusion of acquaintances that would  not be in my best interest. Taking me into situations that would no doubt have a negative outcome on my future and those closest to me. I am grateful for my families love and influence and hope that this situation has equipped me with necessary tools for decision making in my future. By taking this course you are opening your eyes and see things and reflect on your decisions that you did not even realize had occurred. Some of the literature and films that we were exposed to in this class provided us with an opportunity to reflect on situations that challenge and expose our thought on our beliefs as humans and our morality. As high school students we could appreciate other  peers in less fortunate areas in our country such as in the film Freedom Writers. Students from a low income gang infested community are faced with almost impossible odds at trying to emerge from drug and war-like situations in order to survive.  Their naïve teacher quickly realizes what she is up against after her harrowing first week.  Her task to get these students not only to pass her freshman English class but also to reflect on their situations to try to find a way to rise above their doomed futures.   Their teacher s optimism and faith in the human compassion helps her to show these students a way out of their lives through education and self-discovery.  She uses literature to validate their feelings and draw connections to each other and their enemies.  All along trying to give them the tools to dig into their cores and rediscover who they were meant to be.  This theme of hope and faith applies to us all and to find the good in all humans.  I know this theme very well because although I do not live in the same environment as these students do with unimaginable crime and violence I do try to live under the assumption that we are all the same inside.  I do not see the colors of skin or judge based on who one loves as my parents, grandparents and great grandparents did.  Living in times of awareness and respect has allowed me to see the good in people regardless of race.  I believe in a God who has created all humans with a purpose and a gift to offer the world. I also believe it is our job as humans to uncover and find the good in each other.  I am grateful to have had this class to force me to reflect on my life thus far and make connections to my words and actions and decide if they represent who I am and who I want to be. This course meant a lot to me and I’m sure it has made an impact on many others as well. The footage that is shown and the truth that is revealed is mind blowing and is a guaranteed jaw dropper. This course is the strongest I have taken throughout my high school career. The powerful lessons, and the teacher who instructs this course is so intrigued by his own lessons, you can’t keep your eyes off him or what is being shown.

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